Category Archive : Travel

Finding a job abroad

Got tired of your country? Can’t stand people, who belong to the surrounding your culture? Want to earn more?
It’s time to move!
Where to move?

See the map of the
world’s most developed countries:

To Enlarge please click the link below



The Steps are:

  • Select one.
  • Then go to an official migration site of the country.
  • See the requirements for different applications and choose the easiest way for yourself.
  • Not matching? Then choose the application, which requirements you fulfill the best, and work on the ones, which aren’t matching yet.
  • Contact big international companies, they might help you with the application process.
    Pack your bags and go for it.


Good luck!

Covid-19 – No Travel? You Should Read This

coronavirus benefits, covid-19, coronavirus


Travelling during Pandemic

Covid-19 or Coronavirus outbreak changed everybody’s lives drastically, but it is unquestionable that travellers and adventure seekers were quite affected by the situation.
If you can’t travel because of Coronavirus, we will bring you traveling!

Thanks to our current technology, with just one click you can actually drive through the streets of many nice cities around the world. In fact, you can listen to the local radio as well. Yes, that’s right! While patiently waiting at home and keeping our communities safe, drive&listen  can give you an opportunity to travel virtually. Many thanks to Google maps and good quality cameras, and the founder of the app of course.

There were even people making a living flying all around the globe. We hope that soon everything will get better, and we can mindfully enjoy our precious world again. (Hopefully more mindful this time.) After all, taking a break from the craziness and stopping many flights gave Mother Nature a break, and gave us an opportunity to experience a slowdown. But for now, we would like to introduce you to drive&listen to enjoy and soothe your cravings for traveling hoping that it won’t have an opposite effect.