The Chaos in the United States Could be Peacefully Quelled

The Chaos in the United States Could be Peacefully Quelled

Law enforcement departments need to show soliarity with protestors protesting the senseless death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer. It’s natural that people should be angry about the racism and policy brutality that has been an ongoing problem in the United States. It’s ,however, not inevitable that property be destroyed.
I have seen two articles about law enforcement leaders who went out and talked to the protestors in a friendly way and joined them. One was a sheriff in Michigan. Another was the police chief police chief of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. These officials did the right thing. They showed solidarity with the protestors defusing tense situations that could have turned violent.

Right now, protestors are justifiably angry about police brutality. It is up to police to demonstrate that they are on the people’s side – not against them. The initiative for peace needs to come from the police. That’s what we are seeing in the acts of these two law enforcement leaders. The sheriff in Michigan told protestors, “these cops love you!”

I would like to see police everywhere in the United States rise up and declare that they understand and sympathize with the anger of protestors and want to make sure things like George Floyd’s murder don’t occur again. It needs to become a nationwide movement. Anger hatred, and violence never cure anger, hatred, and violence. They only make it worse. Using force to put down the riots is not the answer. The division and conflict between police and the people needs to be healed.

To me, it’s an encouraging sign to see law enforcement leaders stepping up and doing the right thing. What’s needed is people who can get beyond the oppositions and polarization and see that both sides in the conflict have valid points and deserve to be heard. The sheriff in Michigan told the protestors that he understood that they wanted to be heard. When people are truly heard, their anger dissipates. Just notice how the sheriff in Michigan defused all the tension in one to two minutes.

Yes, there’s a big problem in the United States with racism. It’s not just a problem in the United States. It’s just perhaps more obvious in the United States because of the difference of color. I have seen it in Turkey as well where a lot of Turkish people hate Kurds, Arabs, and perhaps Greeks. Racism still exists in Germany with skinheads and Neo-Nazi’s.

The essence of racism is the belief that my race is good and other races are bad. I identify with my race and I project all the evil onto other races. It’s a case of collective projection. I believe that my race is all-good and other races are all-bad. Unfortunately, a large number of people are completely caught up in this sort of polarization and projection.

I think it is unhelpful to point at others and condemn their racism without looking into myself to see where I am racist. Collective healing isn’t going to take place through external action. It can come only through each person looking into themselves and owning their own demons. Yes, I’m talking to you! Other people and the external world are never the real problem. All the ills of the world are in our minds first and then they become externalized. So we have to address them from the root.

3 Comments on "The Chaos in the United States Could be Peacefully Quelled"

    Almost every problem in the world could be solved by each side being willing to stand up and stand still and listen. Listening is the skill that is opens connections between people who are deeply opposed in separatism. When listening ceases, violence erupts as a language that demands to be heard. But it is essential to pay attention to whom or what one is listening. The voices of our emotions, of the rage around us and the powerlessness we are feeling in the face of endless challenges around the globe at the moment create stories of despair and hopelessness and righteous rage. It is imperative that we learn to listen to the person directly in front of us – that person that is feeling the same fear, the same powerlessness, the same wish for being able to live our lives with love and hope and just enough. The current US leadership makes it too easy to forget that “together” is a blessing and not a dirty word. I agree with this article completely.

    Thanks for your comment Lois. I totally agree! I think the riots come mostly from people feeling unheard and therefore powerless. They see things like this happen again and again, and it doesn’t get any better. So they are frustrated and take to the streets. All it takes is for them to feel heard, and all this destruction would cease.

    Friend Steven,
    Well written in your usual stance from the heart. The examination of one’s own conscience has been your byword throughout our friendship. Thanks for having such a kind spirit in this unkind world.

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